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Paint with magnetic paint - Our best tips

Success with magnetic painting

For many years, we have been a consultant on both large and small projects with painting walls with magnetic paint, but we haven't found the time to make our own magnetic wall... until now!

We have tested all the advice we have received from our customers over the years, and then we have asked a master painter what not to do, so we could test and describe here, why you shouldn't do that. Let's start with how you should paint with magnetic paint:

Tip 1: wash the wall down

First tip for success is to clean the surface to be painted very thoroughly. It is essential for a good end result. And if you have to paint on top of wallpaper, a wash-down will also reveal whether the wallpaper is too loose in some places, so you can fix it before you paint. 

Tip 2: cover the floor

The magnetic paint is thick and dark, so remember to cover the floor well. If you spill paint on the floor, you can remove it quickly with mineral spirits or you can scrape it off with a flat screwdriver when the paint is dry. We can also recommend that you cover yourself with a painter's suit or make a suit from plastic bags with holes for the head and arms.

Tip 3: use masking tape and general. paint

It is always a good idea to demarcate painting work with masking tape. Especially if you need a perfectly straight edge. If you are painting on a light surface, it is a good idea to have a small dab of paint in the same color as the wall, which you paint along the masking tape before you start with the magnetic paint, because it seals off, so you get a completely straight edge . Otherwise, the magnetic paint can sneak under the tape, so that there are small irregularities along the edge.

Tip 4: mix the paint thoroughly

It is extremely important that you shake the paint bucket thoroughly before you open it and that you stir the paint bucket well so that the iron filings are well mixed around. They gather at the bottom as a thick, hard mass. In addition to giving you a better result with even distribution of the magnetism, it also makes the paint easier to work with. If you think the paint is too thick, you can thin it with a little mineral spirits.

Tip 5: paint with a brush and roller

The best result is achieved by painting with a narrow brush along the edge by the magnetic tape all the way around and then paint with a roller. Make sure to paint "wet on wet" but without dripping from the brush and roller. We even achieved the nicest result by painting a strip of approx. 30 cm. and then paint a new stripe that covered 50% of the stripe that was just painted. If you paint the roller "dry", you will get an uneven appearance with stripes. 

Tip 6: wait 12 hours for the next layer

It can be tempting to paint a new layer of magnetic paint again after a few hours, because the wall seems dry enough. But it isn't. So don't be tempted - wait 12 hours.

Tip 7: paint 4-5 layers

You can just paint 3 layers. But if you want to be able to hang paper on the wall and have the feeling that the magnet is firmly attached, we can recommend 4 layers. And 5 layers, if it is to feel magnetic like a whiteboard, where the magnet is attracted a few centimeters from the wall. We ourselves have painted a wall with 5 layers in the old premises in Gentofte. Now, however, we have moved to Hvidovre. But we haven't forgotten how to do it, so let us know if we need to tell you more about why we chose to paint with 5 layers.

Read here about choice of magnets for magnetic painting.

Tip 8: air out thoroughly

Turpentine has a very strong smell, which is harmful to health if inhaled in large doses, so make sure to ventilate thoroughly - both when you paint and when each layer needs to dry. 

Want to see our tips on what NOT to do? Scroll down under the products...

Sådan skal du ikke male

Mal aldrig penslen / rullen tør

Hvis du maler, til penslen eller rullen ikke er våd mere, får du nogle meget tynde lag på væggen, som ikke kun erikke særligt magnetiskemen som også efterlader striber. Så det giver både et ringere og et grimmere slutresultat.

Mal aldrig med det samme

Det er super vigtigt, at du rører grundigt i malerbøtten HVER GANG, du skal male. Ellers blandes jernpulveret ikke godt nok rundt, og derved får du ikke et jævnt fordelt resultat med magnetismen.

Mal ikke i regnvejr

Det fugtige klima har meget at sige, når man skal male - men det gælder i øvrigt for alle malerprojekter. Så sørg for at male med magnetmaling, når det ikke er for fugtigt i vejret. Det har nemlig en indvirkning på tørringsprocessen.

Mal ikke med lukkede vinduer

Terpentin er ikke sundt at indånde i store doser, så sørg for at male med åbne vinduer, og lav gerne gennemtræk i perioder, så lugten kan komme ud.

Mal ikke på slidt tapet

Det bliver ikke godt, hvis du maler ovenpå slidt tapet, fordi magnetmaling er tung (tungere end alm. maling). Derfor vil du opleve, at tapeten kan falde ned, hvis den ikke sidder godt fast. Test derfor lige med en hånd, inden du maler, om der er "helligdage" i tapeten, hvor den ikke sidder godt fast - dér kan det være en god idé at fjerne tapeten på disse steder. 

Mal aldrig på en rå væg

Maling suger, og derfor skal du grunde din rå væg med maling-grunder eller andet, inden du maler med magnetmalingen, da du ellers vil være nødt til at male et par ekstra lag magnetmaling for at få et godt resultat, og det bliver en dyr løsning. Derudover må der heller ikke være løstsiddende puds, da det vil falde ned og ødelægge det færdige resultat.

Mal ikke på en meget ujævn flade

Hvis du har en meget ujævn væg el.lign., som du skal male på, anbefaler vi, at du spartler væggen ud først, så den bliver nogenlunde lige, da det giver et bedre gribe-grundlag for magneterne, som du skal bruge på den færdige magnetvæg. 

Stadig i tvivl om detaljer til dit magnetmaling projekt?

Hvis du mangler at få besvaret spørgsmål til dit eget magnetprojekt, skal du endelig ikke tøve med at tage fat i os. Vi vil meget gerne hjælpe dig igang og i mål med dit malerprojekt. Så ring eller skriv gerne til vores kundeservice. Vi sidder klar til at besvare dine spørgsmål om magnetmaling.