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Curtains with magnets

Hang curtains with magnets in several different ways. We show you some different solutions for a screw-free solution when you have to hang curtains in places where you would rather not make holes. No more wall brackets, curtain rods and, not least, not-so-pretty curtain rings.

We have made a video of approx. 4 minutes, where we go through the different solutions and show the finished result, but if you want all the tips and tricks, we will provide even more details here in the text.

Magnetic curtain solutions from the video:
  • Magnets in the top for hanging
  • Magnets in the runners for folding curtains
  • Magnetic bands in the top for hanging
  • Magnets for sun shading

Watch the video here:

We show a "raw version" of the curtain in the video so we can show where and how to put the magnets into runs on the fabric. But below comes a description of the project in a little more detail than in the video, and then we finish by telling different tips and tricks that we have used during the sewing process.

This DIY is made for curtains that hang down vertically and do not fit 1:1 to your slanted window or skylight. Do you need to make a curtain solution for e.g. your Velux skylight, you can read more here.

Magnets at the top for hanging

The first thing you should pay attention to is whether your window frame is made of magnetic metal or not. If it is magnetic, you can simply skip easily and elegantly over the next short instruction. If, on the other hand, your window frame is not magnetic, you can either glue magnetic metal or magnets on the frame itself. You must remember to place them on the frame so that they match the location of the magnets in the curtain.

Now you have to start with the magnets in the curtain itself. We have sewn a runner along the top of the curtain, where we insert the magnets. You can advantageously sew a small "pocket" in the runner for each magnet when you have placed them in the right place. Then they don't slide back and forth, and it makes it much easier to hang the curtain up again if you've had it down.

Use block magnets in the curtain track at the top to hold your curtain

When you have to choose magnets for your curtain suspension, there are two things you need to be aware of . Firstly, the strength of the magnets: We have chosen to use block magnets 20x10x2 mm. for our curtain solution. They have a strength of 2.1 kg., which is very strong magnets to use compared to our curtain's weight of 200 g. The reason we choose such strong magnets is that they must not only be able to carry the weight of the curtain itself, but must also be able to handle you grabbing the curtain without it falling down. The other thing to be aware of is the number of magnets. In principle, you will be able to make do with two magnets - one in each corner - because our 20x10x2 mm. block magnets are that strong. But if you want to avoid a fall in the middle of the curtain, then you can advantageously place an extra magnet in the middle of the curtain's track. The number therefore depends both on the width of your window frame (the wider the greater the chance of getting a fold in the middle of your curtain) and your desire for an aesthetic finish. 

Magnets in corridors for folding curtains

Now that you are at it anyway, why not make a super smart folding curtain? Of course with the help of magnets.

Sew some narrow runners on the back of your curtain, depending on how big "folds" you want to have. We have sewn five in total - three in the middle and one at the top and bottom. In order to be able to fold them up quickly and easily to the desired height, we have placed our small ball magnets in the runners (2-3 in each) - especially the upper one, which is stuck with strong block magnets. You can again advantageously sew a small "pocket" so that the ball magnets stay where they need to be. It is therefore also important that you make these corridors narrow, so that there is less space in the height as well. 

With small magnets - e.g. ball magnets - in the narrow corridors at the back of the curtain can you make a smart folding curtain

It is smart to use ball magnets for exactly a folding curtain, because they themselves rotate in relation to the poles in the magnet. In the video we have used Ø5 mm. with a strength of 200 g., but if your curtain is heavier, we recommend that you choose some stronger magnets - e.g. 6x3 mm. disc magnet with a strength of 0.9 kg. or an 8x3 mm. disk magnet with a strength of 1.3 kg. If you choose the disk magnet as a solution, you must remember to turn it the right way in relation to the poles, so that the magnets do not repel each other when you try to fold up your curtain. 

The curtain is nicely adjustable with this solution, as you can decide for yourself how much should be open and closed. 

Magnetic tape at the top for hanging

Another smart magnetic solution is to use magnetic tape to hang your curtain with. This can be done in several ways, but we do not recommend all of them. Then you think that the magnetic strip is your solution, so read on here before you start the project.

We do NOT recommend that you insert the magnetic strip into the curtain track. The curtain fabric creates a distance between the magnetic strip and the magnetic surface (the window frame), and therefore the strength of the magnetic strip is weakened. You will therefore find it difficult to attach the curtain properly, and if you succeed, it easily falls down again - especially when you grab it.

Do not use magnetic tape in the running of the curtain. Instead we recommend sewing or gluing it to the back of the curtain

Instead we recommend we that you glue or sew the magnetic strip to the back of the top of the curtain. Choose a magnetic tape with self-adhesive if you want to glue it to the curtain, or sew it to the curtain with a thick needle (and a little finger strength). That way, your curtain suspension is still both flexible, invisible and screw-free.

This magnet is for you who want a really easy and cheap solution - but it's not the very best. The curtain holds well with the magnetic tape if the window is not open in the meantime and if it hangs in a place where you do not need to take it up and down often (for example for folding curtains) and "pull" it. It's all about what your needs are.

Solar Shield Magnets

It's no secret that we love how versatile magnets are. We therefore love when we can use the same magnet for several different things. Eg. the ball magnet that we have used for the solution with the folding curtain further up. You can even use the same magnet to modify your curtain with internal sun protection. 

There can be various reasons why you do not want the sun to sneak in, even if you have drawn the curtain. One of them can be if you have hung a blackout curtain, where the light should ideally be kept out completely.

You can place the ball magnets on the side of your curtain, thus closing completely tightly. Although the ball magnets are small, they are still quite strong, and can keep the sun out with just a few. You of course decide how many you want to use, depending on how much you want to shield from the sun. 

If you want to avoid light coming in from the sides, you can close completely tight with different types of magnets

If you want to have your window open at the same time as your garin is down, then you must be aware that this plays a role in the choice of magnets. The wind from outside affects the weight of the curtain, which is why it is necessary to use magnets with greater strength. If you intend to use this solution with a window open, please call or write to us. Then we guide you on which magnets you should use.

Here are the products we show in the video:

Sådan har vi lavet gardinet

Vores gardin er syet i let bomuldsstof, der vejer ca. 200 gram totalt. Det er nemt at sy i og kræver ikke så stærke magneter. Så valg af magneter skal tilpasses vægten på dit gardin.

Men vi gjorde følgende: 

Vaskede stoffet,

Tørrede og strøg stoffet,

Klippede det i vinduesstørrelsen (+3 cm. i bredde og +10 cm. i længde for ombuk),

Strøg ombuk* for nem syning uden nåle,

Syede bred løbebane i top og bund,

Syede smalle løbebaner til magnetombuk,

Satte magneter i alle løbebaner

Syede kanterne i siden pæne

*Ombuk (pkt. 4): 
Vi ønskede ombuk 3 steder på gardinet til at lave foldegardin-løsing. Så først syede vi gardinet i top og bund med lidt bredere løbebaner med plads til lidt større magneter. Derefter foldede vi gardinet præcis på midten og strøg en kant til nem syning af løbebane på midten.

Derefter foldede vi gardin top og bund ind mod midten og strøg stoffet, så vi fik 2 ekstra linjer at sy efter med samme afstand.

Hvis du ikke har et strygejern og vil undgå nåle, kan du også sætte et stykke magnetbånd på hver side af stoffet til at fastholde stoffet præcist og have nem bane at sy efter.

Magnetstørrelse kan variere

Når du skal hænge dit gardin op med magneter, er der flere parametre, der spiller ind for styrke- og størrelsesvalg ift. magneter:

Vægt på stoffet

Tykkelse på stoffet

Total størrelse på stoffet

Hvor mange punkter det skal sættes fast på

Vælg altid en styrke, der totalt er min. 5 gange højere end gardinets vægt, da gardinet vejer nedad (indirekte træk). Dertil kommer afstand pga. stoffets tykkelse. Et lag tyndt bomuldsstof skaber ikke en nævneværdig afstand. Men 2 mm. afstand giver et styrketab på ca. 70%. Og jo større et gardin, desto mere indirekte pres kommer der på magneterne. Så vælg ikke en for lille magnetstyrke - men total styrkebehov kan fordeles ud over alle magneterne.

Et rigtig godt tip: hvis du ganger gardinets totalvægt med 10, så har du en magnet, der også tåler, at man rammer gardinet, når man går forbi, eller at vinden tager let fat i det, uden at det falder ned. Hvis det et tykt stof, skal du dog tage vægten af gardinet og gange med 1,7 for at få styrketabet med grundet afstanden, og derefter skal du gange tallet med 10 for at gardinet kan tåle let vind o.lign.

Valg af magneter til folde-linjer

Hvis du laver et foldegardin, skal du vælge magneter, der er stærke nok til at kunne holde hver foldelinje op. Tyndt bomuldsstof i enkelt lag kan nøjes med helt ned til 200 gram. Men hvis du går med 400 gram i styrke til et tyndt bomuldsgardin, vil du få en mere "stram" lukning af foldelinjerne. Til større og tungere gardiner bør du dog følge anbefalingen ovenfor med 6x3 eller 8x3 mm. magneter.

Sådan vasker du dit gardin

Der er nogle ting, du skal tage højde for, når du skal vaske dit gardin med magneter i. Vælger du at bruge vaskemaskine, så anbefaler vi, at du tager magneterne ud af gardinet før vask. Gør du ikke det, risikerer du, at magneterne "smadrer" mod hinanden i maskinen. På længere sigt vil de også begynde at ruste. Synes du, det er et omstændigt projekt at fjerne magneterne inden vask, så kan du også bruge vores sy-i-magneter i stedet for. Disse magneter ligger nemlig i en lille vandfast lomme. Så længe du ikke syer igennem den luftbobble, der er rundt om mangneten, så er de vandtætte. Alternativt kan du vaske dine gardiner i hånden. På den måde undgår du lettere, at magneterne "smadrer" mod hinanden, og de er langt mindre modtagelige overfor at ruste via håndvask.