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Door stopper outdoors

A doorstop magnet is really a simple solution with a magnet and a piece of metal. You decide for yourself whether the magnet should be attached to the door and the metal to the door frame or vice versa. The most important thing is that you combine metal with magnet to get the best result, which is also cheaper than a combination of magnet against magnet. 

Outdoor door stopper magnet

Thue contacted us because he wanted a magnetic door stopper for his two outdoor patio doors. These are relatively heavy doors, so it was important that the door stops could hold them.

There are many door holders on the market, but there are many that are either durable or elegant and not both. Thue himself had the experience that the door stops were rarely neat. But that was changed, as you can see in the picture. We are very impressed (and even Thue's father-in-law also thinks the solution was successful).

Magnetic doorstop outdoor with rubber magnet

For 2 patio doors you need:

How to make your door stopper

Start by fitting your metal washers to the outside of the door. Here you will insert a screw so that it is completely fixed. Next, Thue has chosen to paint with anthracite black paint so that the metal discs match the color of the doors. When painted, the metal discs become "hidden", so you can't see them very well. Here you will wait until the paint is completely dry before you start with the rubber magnet.

On the wall (or the wooden facade), Thue has chosen to screw the rubber magnet in.
You don't actually have to do more, because now you have a smart and elegant door stopper solution.

TIP:You can choose whether it is the metal plate or the magnet that should sit on the door. There is no "rule" here.

With one of the door stops, Thue needed the magnet to sit further out on the wooden facade, so that the door did not hit their light when it was opened. Here he used 2 aluminum pieces on the wooden facade, which had the same size as the magnet in diameter. So if you have the same problem, you can easily use Thue's tip. 

Choose rubber magnets for your door stopper

Rubber magnets are the obvious choice when your door stopper must be able to withstand water, wind and shock. A strong rubber magnet with a strength of approx. 11 kg. It may sound like a lot, but a strong magnet is needed when it is to be able to handle general. weather conditions and keep a heavy door. 

It will be the best solution for you to choose a rubber magnet when you have to make a door stopper outdoors, as power magnets can rust.

Thue is satisfied with the door stoppers

We have spoken to Thue, who is very happy with his new door stoppers. Thue says: “The power in the magnet is perfect. It can easily withstand strong winds". In the picture you can see how well the new door stoppers keep the two patio doors open.

Make a doorstop yourself outdoors

Do you want to make a magnetic doorstop outdoors?

There may be several different solutions that you can use. For example, you can read our general FAQ about making a door stopper here. If you have further questions or need guidance, you can always contact our customer service. We have guided a number of customers on door holders, so we can definitely help you along the way.

DIY magnetisk dørstopper

Vælg en magnet med en styrke, der passer til formålet: er det en tung dør, skal du vælge en stor og stærk magnet. Men er det en let dør, som bare skal holdes ind mod karmen, så vil en alt for stærk magnet bare give den udfordring, at døren er for svær at lukke igen. 

Det er rigtig svært at give en formel på alles behov, så hvis du er i tvivl om, hvilken magnet du bør vælge til din hjemmelavede dørstopper, så kontakt os på tlf. 71 99 36 12 eller via kontaktformularen.

Valg af magnettype

Nedenfor er vist både undersænkede pottemagneter, der kan skrues fast på døren eller dørkarmen med undersænket skrue, og gummimagneter, der kan holde til vind, vejr og stød. Pottemagneterne tåler også stød, men har du en dør, der skal skubbes hårdt for at blive åbnet hen mod magneten, bør du vælge en gummimagnet, da gummicoatingen er lavet til at tage imod stød. Pottemagneten kan flække, men selve magneten bliver stadig siddende inde i metalpotten, så det er mest synsmæssigt, det gør en forskel. Og så kan det lyde hårdere med metalpotten mod metal, end med en gummimagnet mod metal.

Hvorfor magnet mod metal?

To magneter i kollision mod hinanden har en enorm kraft, og det kan være lidt svært at styre, hvis magneterne ikke skal gå i stykker så nemt. Derudover har det den klare fordel, at du ikke kan vende en metalplade forkert, da den vil tiltrækkes magneten på begge sider. Magneter kan derimod frastøde hinanden, hvis de vender med samme pol mod hinanden, og det er noget bøvl, hvis man har sat tingene fast i den forkerte retning.