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Guitar repair - Do it yourself

We have a lot of inquiries about magnets every day, and it's not always something we've heard of before or done calculations on. Such as. the day in June 2017 when Ole called and wanted to buy magnets to repair his guitar with...

One thing is theory - another thing is practice. So even though we have a lot of calculation methods and test scenarios at the workshop, it is great to be contacted afterwards and to be told that the project was a complete success. 

Cracks in guitar DIY

As I said, Ole had to use some magnets in connection with a guitar repair. And he has sent us these pictures, which show how he has made a small homemade tool to repair the crack in his guitar with (3 magnets are used in total - the extra magnets in the photo were Ole bought to make several tool kits with).

Use magnets to repair your guitar. DIY guide to repairing cracks in your guitar.

Photo 1: The guitar with the magnets so you can see the aspect ratio. Photos 2 and 3: Two magnets are placed on top of each other. A screw is put through both magnets and they are screwed together firmly on the wooden stick. Photo 4: The small piece of wood that makes up the repair of the crack.

See more detailed explanation below under "instructions".

Photo 5 and 6: The tool is carefully guided down through the strings, and subsequently a magnet is placed at the top of the tire, which catches the lower magnet. 

NOTE! The pot magnet on top of the guitar, which Ole holds between two fingers, is placed with the steel downwards, as the poles face the same way on the magnets, so if you turn the magnet side downwards, it will repel the magnets on the inside of the guitar. Since this FAQ post we have modified the magnets to be stronger and the steel pot to be more powerful, so we recommend instead that you replace the 3rd magnet with a rubber magnet to achieve a better magnetic field and at the same time sure to avoid scratches.  In the attached pictures I have shown how I made a small tool to insert into the guitar. Externally, it is just a "double magnet". Here I use The Ø25 magnets to glue a few small blocks to the inside of the guitar to stabilize a crack in the tire. The external magnets are placed and held in position and direct the internal magnets with the handle on to the correct place where the guitar needs to be repaired. The block is attached to the magnet with a bit of double-sided tape, glue is applied, and voila: positioned correctly and clamped.

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Fordel ved træskaft

Fordelen ved et skaft af træ i stedet for f.eks. at vælge en stærk stavmagnet, det er (udover prisen) at du kan begrænse magnetismen til kun at være i toppen sammen med magneterne og ikke også i bunden. Det gør den nemmere at styre, hvis du har noget magnetisk materiale (stål el.lign.) på guitaren, som kan drille, når du skal fiksere træstykket med magneterne. Derudover får du noget længde på guitarværktøjet, så du kan nå længere omkring inde i guitaren. 

Vil du gøre ligesom Ole?

Du kan sagtens gøre Ole kunsten efter. Han brugte 3 stk. Ø25 mm. undersænkede pottemagneter til sin guitar (vist ovenfor under produkter). Som skrevet længere oppe i teksten, anbefaler vi, at man erstatter den ene magnet - den der skal ligge ovenpå guitardækket - med en gummimagnet. 

Måske din guitar har en smule tykkere dække? Så kan du med fordel gå lidt op i styrke og vælge Ø32 mm. pottemagneter i stedet (også vist ovenfor). 

Fordelen ved at bruge undersænkede pottemagneter er, at du kan skrue dem fast på træpinden, der udgør en del af guitar værktøjet. Og med en undersænket skrue får du en plan flade på magneten, så den er nem at arbejde med (og ridser ikke).

Hvis du har det bedre med at lime to magneter fast for enden af dit værktøj, kan du vælge en anden slags magnet med 22 kg. i bæreevne. F.eks. 2 stk. 60x5 mm. powermagnet sat ovenpå hinanden og den nederste limet fast til træpinden.

Du finder alle magneter størrelsesopdelt her:powermagneter styrkesorteret