Ø6 cm. magnetic print (0.7)
Small round magnetic signs - brilliant for e.g. employee photos or names for the magnetic board. But also as a fun gift for guests when you send invitations or thank you cards. wedding, confirmation or another major event.
Send us a file with your logo or anything else you want printed, and we will print in the size or shape you choose here in the webshop.
This is our 0.7mm. magnetic foil with print on. They are good for both fridges, metal surfaces and whiteboards. But they are also used to decorate coffee machines and coffee carts (requires that they are not made of aluminium).
First print is the most expensive. But there are large volume discounts available when you order several identical prints. And you already get the first discount step with 4 pcs.
Thickness: 0.7 mm.
Size: Ø60 mm.
Shape: Completely round
Colours: CMYK
How to order magnetic print:
Send us an email with a print-ready file with the photo or motif you want printed. We must use .eps, .ai or .pdf format, and clipping must be taken into account, why bleed on min. 3 mm. is recommended. And it must be in a print-ready size, as the prices are pure print prices without changes. If you need help setting up, you can book an hour of help here. However, the help requires that you send text, logo, photo, etc. as well as wishes for how it should be set up.